Welcome to my homepage and Claudia’s Cafeteria!

Claudia’s cafeteria has been open for you at the beach promenade of Porto Cristo since May 2019. To live in Mallorca at this wonderful location and to say goodbye to my old, ordinary life in Germany has been a wish come true.
For 27 long years I worked in Frankfurt as an insurance saleswoman and by the time I had reached my early 50s I knew I had to try something different – something new and exciting!
I couldn’t have done better than to choose Mallorca, this enchanting island that I have loved since I was a child. I love the climate as much as I love the friendly, relaxed people. Mallorca is so much more than just partying at Ballermann, I found my freedom here on the island.
I feel very much at home at Porto Cristo. The family atmosphere of the village is perfect, a quaint village that has slowly grown and can make a pleasant change
from the modern, ordered towns along the coast.

Our community sticks together, loves to party and is always enterprising, even in winter time. The cherry on the cake is, of course, the beach that I gaze upon every morning when I open Claudia’s Cafeteria.
I am privileged to have the most beautiful workplace in the world
and I’m incredibly proud of our small family business that I run
with my mother, Marlies and her husband, Reiner.
You are more than welcome to share in my happiness
and visit us when you are in the area.
We look forward to seeing you here!
Claudia Kauf